Lifestyle Survey

//A quick lifestyle survey

Please fill in as many answers as possible

The survey should only take a few minutes to complete but please provide accurate and honest answers. Thank you.


    [group your-sex-other-group]



    Do you smoke?

    [group smoke-group]



    How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?

    [group drink-group]



    Do you do any exercise/physical activity?

    [group exercise-group]



    Do you eat fruit and/or vegetables?

    [group fruit-veg-group]


    Mental health

    Do you feel you have someone to talk to if you have a problem or are in a situation that is worrying or concerning you e.g family,friend, Doctor, colleague)?

    [group talk-to-group]


    Physical health

    Have you taken part in a national or local campaign in the last year to improve your health (for example: joined one of the on-site fitness classes, enrolled at a gym, walk to work month, Dry January or Stoptober)?

    [group fitness-campaign-group]


    Have you increased your levels of walking in the last year?

    How do you travel to work?

    [group travel-to-group]



    Are you aware of opportunities to take part in mindfulness initiatives (For example: mindfulness study days, stress management course, breathing exercise...)?

    Have you taken part in any mindfulness opportunities?

    [group opportunities-taken-part]


    Medical Conditions

    Do you have a long term, stable medical condition that requires regular medicine in the short to medium term?

    [group medical-condition-group]
